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Lilith Wolfe Tarot

Black Chrysanthemum | Tumbled Crystal

Regular price $10.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $10.00 AUD
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1piece Tumbled Natural Black Chrysanthemum Crystal.

Black Chrysanthemum: Stone for a smooth flow of energy in healing work to clear the aura and open the meridians of the physical body from the Base Chakra to the Crown. Chrysanthemum Stone lends the courage to make decisions and to leave one’s comfort zone. It is a marvellous talisman of change for remaining open to new possibilities. This stone is excellent for finding a relationship later in life after devoting one’s life to caring for others. Carry a natural or polished Chrysanthemum Stone when working abroad in a land where you are not welcome, or have a job where people are hostile. It radiates harmony and encourages stability and trust. It aids in curbing one’s own resentment and animosity, and helps one progress toward unity.