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Lilith Wolfe Tarot

Aura Zebra Jasper | Crystal Tower

Regular price $40.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 AUD
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Natural Aura Zebra Jasper Crystal Point Wand

Healing Stone, Energy Ore Mineral Crafts

Home Decoration


size: 5-6cm, 6-7cm, 7-8cm

Aura Zebra Jasper: holds the energy of balance, uniting the energies of the masculine and feminine, Yin and Yang. It also balances the chakras, and the physical, intellectual, emotional and etheric bodies
The “anti-apathy” stone. It allows you to be optimistic, despite life’s stresses and gives you more initiative to tackle those problems. It will encourage you to dare to dream and turn those dreams into reality. Zebra Jasper is also a grounding stone, allowing you to tune into Mother Earth, helping us find enjoyment in the beauty of our world.
Jasper is a very calming stone and stimulates the Root Chakra. Jasper is a wonderful grounding stone and can help pull one's scattered energies in to work where they are most needed. Keeping Jasper with you can aid in resolving difficult situations. Jasper can ward of negativity, and transmute dense energies into higher frequencies