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Lilith Wolfe Tarot

Aura Clear Quartz | Crystal Tower

Regular price $40.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $40.00 AUD
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Natural Aura Clear Quartz Crystal Point Wand

Healing Stone, Energy Ore Mineral Crafts

Home Decoration


size: 5-6cm, 6-7cm, 7-8cm

Aura Clear Quartz: assists you to let go of all that is in the past that may be holding you back. Aura quartz aids in resolving issues and disagreements as it promotes love and romance. It teaches you to speak with kindness and compassion. Aura quartz offers support during all stages of pregnancy. If you suffer from morning sickness or the baby blues, carry or wear aura quartz to boost your mood and to remind you of the beauty and miracle of birth. Placed in a baby's room with will help them to settle and sleep peacefully. Aura quartz is supportive to single mothers and can be worn everyday to give them strength and guidance. The name comes from the connection that this stone has with the angelic realm. It is a powerful stone for harmonising your vibrations to a level that allows you to make contact with the angels.