Aquatic Agate | Tumbled Crystal
1piece Tumbled Aquatic Agate Crystal.
Aquatic Agate: helps you to remember to cleanse and purify your body as well as your environment. As you release toxins or unnecessary clutter in your life, you will make a healthier and clearer space in which to live. With this stone close by, take advantage of the healing properties of a swim in a pool, lake, ocean or simply relax in a bath.
With Aquatic agate in hand, contemplate the limiting belief systems and outdated thought forms or mental energy that needs to be removed from your consciousness. Set the intention to release this clutter from your mind and energy field and foster positivity in its place.
Aquatic agate opens your mind to understanding the spiritual dimensions of plants and plant life forms. Plants have a consciousness in similar alignment to the consciousness of animals. This stone allows you to hear messages from the plant kingdom and to benefit from its vast knowledge.
Aquatic agate enhances mental and emotional flexibility and improves decision making. It is useful in resolving disputes. Aquatic agate also strengthens, opens and activates the heart chakra.