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Lilith Wolfe Tarot

Amethyst Aura Cluster | Crystal

Regular price $70.00 AUD
Regular price Sale price $70.00 AUD
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100% Natural Amethyst Aura cluster

Crystal Cluster, Minerals Specimen.

Irregular Shape, Rough Crystal Cluster/Stone, Reiki Healing.

Amethyst Aura: ability to enhance energy flow helps promote better focus, concentration, and insight. It gives you the power to rise above the limits and find true success. Giving you the mental prowess to succeed is also great for creative, out-of-the box thinking and analytical thinking. The balance of two skills give you the courage to tackle whatever may come your way.

It’s also a great stone for meditation as it is a calming and stress-reducing stone. If you find yourself feeling drained and agitated at the end of a long day, simply hold this gemstone, take a few deep breaths, and relax as your stress melts away. Many people also claim that amethyst aura is the perfect stone to use for astral journeys. An astral journey or astral projection is a deep meditation that results in an out-of-body experience. People who practice this say they feel as if they float outside of their body and look down on themselves. While this may not seem very beneficial, astral journeys are a great tool to feel an enhanced sense of spiritual guidance.

While other stones may connect with only one or two of the chakra points, amethyst aura’s rainbow colors allow it to resonate with each chakra point within you. This helps remove any blockages within your chakra points and allows their energies to be more connected, greatly improving your spiritual well-being. When you use amethyst aura for this purpose, you’ll find yourself feeling more grounded, centered, and connected with yourself.